Call or text + 1 (754) 581 3063 with donation and sponsorship questions. 


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Sponsors Needed! 

Help us make a difference in our community by becoming a sponsor

Education matters!

Call or text + 1 (754) 581 3063 with donation and sponsorship questions. 


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Sponsors Needed! 

Help us make a difference in our community by becoming a sponsor

Education matters!

Support tomorrow's heroes today.

Support tomorrow's heroes today.

With so much going on in the world today, and yet so much time spent alone and away from others, we all have had at least a little time to reflect on the important things in life. I certainly have.  I've also had a chance to connect with some of the amazing children I've worked with over the years and hear about the great things they are doing today. One student, Jasmine B stands out in particular...and not only because I remember what a dedicated student she was in high school.

She stands out because in 2020, the world changed. The world's needs changed...and that change really drove home the fact that my dedicated, smart and studious young Jasmine was preparing to be the hero the world needed when we didn't even know we would need her.  

Thank you for supporting The Foundation over the years.  We have helped develop some heroes along the way, and we will continue to help more. 

From Jasmine....

"I am thankful for Coach Rolle and the scholarship I was offered. That scholarship helps me get through the 4 roughest college years of my life. I was able to put my soul focus on school to help me become the person I am today. Today, I am a frontline healthcare worker. I am a nurse who works 12-14 hours shifts, night and day. Who gown on PPE and try to make a difference during the pandemic. This scholarship helps me focus only on one school and try to become a competent and compassionate nurse. I am thankful for everything Coach Rolle has done and I hope many others will be awarded this scholarship as well."